Stonehouse, Smith receive 2020 Awards in the Creative Arts

The UW–Madison Division of the Arts announced its 2020 Awards in the Creative Arts and two faculty members from the School of Education garnered recognition.

Fred Stonehouse, a professor with the Art Department, received the Creative Arts Award, while Leslie Smith III, an associate professor with the Art Department, earned the Emily Mead Baldwin Award in the Creative Arts.

Each spring, the Division of the Arts recognizes achievements and service, and supports creative projects and research. The division offers five annual awards and one bi-annual, amounting to around $84,000. Grants are split into three categories: Arts Faculty Research, Arts Faculty and Staff Outreach, and Undergraduate and Graduate Student Achievement in the Arts.

Others from across campus who were recognized are: Anna Campbell, assistant professor with the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies, received the Edna Wiechers Arts in Wisconsin Award; Sherry Wagner-Henry, the director and a faculty associate of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration, earned the Joyce J. and Gerald A. Bartell Award in the Arts; and Midori Samson, a DMA candidate with the Mead Witter School of Music, earned the David and Edith Sinaiko Frank Graduate Fellowship for a Woman in the Arts.

The awardees will be honored at a reception on Tuesday, May 5.