The School of Education announced the recipients of its 2019 Outstanding Cooperating Teacher Rockwell Awards, which recognize excellent teachers who have chosen to pass on their expertise by providing professional experiences for UW-Madison student teachers. Through the generosity of Roland and Ruth Rockwell, recipients are presented with $1,000 awards.
This year’s Rockwell Award recipients will be honored at the Teacher Education Celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Gordon Dining and Event Center. The reception will include keynote speaker Rodney Robinson, the 2019 National teacher of the Year.
This year, the Rockwell Awards selection committee chose:
• Ellen Boyle and Tonya Rasmussen, a first grade co-teaching team at Madison’s Franklin Elementary
• Scott Mullee, an eighth grade science teacher at Madison’s Blackhawk Middle School
• James Reichling, a physics teacher at Madison’s La Follette High School
• Tara Schluesche, a school psychologist at Madison’s Schenk Elementary
Decisions are based on letters of recommendations that addressed each cooperating teacher’s commitment to mentoring future teachers through a process of effective guidance, feedback, and opportunities for reflection, as well as demonstration of exemplary teaching ability by establishing an environment that instills a desire for students to learn, bringing enthusiasm into the classroom, and putting into practice quality and successful teaching techniques, methods, and goals.
Cooperating teacher Robin Staley, a social studies teacher at Madison Memorial High School, will also be recognized for outstanding service in teacher education for hosting over 30 student teachers.