A show from UW–Madison’s Derrick Buisch, a professor of painting and drawing with the Art Department, is being housed at the School of Education Gallery through Oct. 30.
This exhibition is titled, “Intermission” and features paintings from Buisch that he completed during a recent sabbatical. An opening reception will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 5 to 7 p.m.
Since coming to UW-Madison in 1997, he has taught painting and color continuously to classes of students from departments as diverse as human ecology, art, theatre, engineering, and zoology.
As a self-described “painter,” Buisch says he “consistently seeks out new ways to experiment within the narrow avenues of paint on canvas. Certain marks, signs, scribbles, gestures are repeated by means of projection, stencils, and transfers. A vocabulary of visual chatter celebrates the distortions, interruptions, and interference within the painted surface.”
Buisch notes that these works are very straightforward, taking on subjects like imaginary monsters and fantastic buildings.
“The blunt, naïve nature of the subjects serves as an easy foil/mask, allowing for a range of rich experimentation with paint chemistry, color, installations, and scale,” he says. “The physical properties of the medium are constantly stressed, questioned, tweaked, and recalibrated to keep the working visual vocabulary fresh and inventive.”
The School of Education Gallery is housed on the first floor of the Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall.