December 9, 2019
Jo Ann Carr, director emerita of the School of Education's Media, Education Resources, and Information Technology (MERIT), has recently published “Such Anxious Hours: Wisconsin Women’s Voices from the Civil War,” with the University of Wisconsin Press. The book includes an illustration of Wisconsin in 1861 created by Linda Endlich, graphic artist in the School of Education’s Office of Communications and Advancement.
December 5, 2019
The 2019 UW-Madison Glass Lab Holiday Sale will be held Dec. 14-15, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Art Lofts at 111 N Frances St. The Glass Lab is a part of the Art Department, which is housed within the School of Education. The public is welcome to attend and are invited to watch live glassblowing all weekend. Unique ornaments hand-crafted by students will be available for purchase.
December 3, 2019
The work of UW–Madison’s Jerry Jordan will be showcased at the Overture Center Dec. 10 through March 1. Jordan, a recruitment and retention specialist with the School of Education’s Student Diversity Programs Office, will have his paintings showcased in Gallery II in an exhibition titled, “Human Identity Portrait Stories.” A reception for the artists will be held Friday, Jan. 10, from 6 to 8 p.m.
December 3, 2019
On Nov. 11, faculty and graduate students from UW-Madison, Lingnan University, and Peking University, among scholars from other institutions, gathered at the Lingnan-Peking-Wisconsin Education Forum in Hong Kong to discuss higher education, talent training, and employment of global bay areas. UW-Madison's Adam Nelson, a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor with the Department of Educational Policy Studies, played a leading role in the event.
December 2, 2019
UW-Madison’s Julie Mead was named the vice president of the Education Law Association (ELA) at the organization’s annual conference on Nov. 13-16 in Norfolk, Virginia. Mead is the School of Education’s associate dean for education, and a professor with the School’s Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. After her term as vice president, Mead will serve as the president elect and then president of the organization.
November 29, 2019
A new research project focused on the experience of undergraduate military service members and veterans enrolled in Wisconsin universities has recently been launched at the Wisconsin Center for Research Education (WCER), part of UW-Madison’s School of Education. The Veteran Education to Workforce Affinity and Success Study (VETWAYS), a three-year $556,000 project funded by the National Science Foundation, will seek to better understand the unique social experiences and challenges this special student population encounters as they progress through college and into the workforce.
November 27, 2019
The School of Education’s Dance Department presents the annual Kloepper Concert, a studio performance of new student work, in the historic Louise Kloepper Studio, Lathrop Hall at 8 p.m. on Dec. 7 and 2:30 p.m. on Dec 8. In this concert, twelve student choreographers, including Akiwele Burayidi, Audrey Glock, Cassie Last, Lauren Lynch, Ellie McShane, Courtney Kopchinski, Amanda Kolsch, Shayna Valianos, Jessica Jacobs, Veda Manly, Tye Trondson, and Brooke Schroeder, will present a mix of solo and ensemble works.
November 26, 2019
A critical intersection exists between education and health, according to a consensus of researchers and evaluators from UW–Madison who have been working closely with rural schools, the community-school model, and Native American communities in Wisconsin.
November 21, 2019
Tim Tansey, an associate professor with the School of Education’s Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education, will serve as the principal investigator (PI) on the UW-Madison sub-awards for two major new grant-funded projects. Virginia Commonwealth University Professor Paul Wehman is the PI on the two five-year, $4.4 million awards (total funding of $8.8 million) from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research in the U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
November 20, 2019
Four finalists to become the next director of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) are visiting campus from Dec. 5 to 16 to participate in public forums and meet with faculty, staff, and School of Education leadership. The finalists were selected by a 13-member search-and-screen committee co-chaired by WIDA Executive Director Tim Boals and Percival Matthews, an associate professor with the Department of Educational Psychology and a WCER researcher. The WCER director reports to the dean of the School of Education, Diana Hess.