Ann Wallace Academic Staff Distinguished Achievement Awards

The School’s academic staff employees make essential contributions the School of Education. These professionals teach classes, support instruction, conduct research, participate in the School’s outreach and service missions, and help administer programs and units.

In order to recognize the many significant contributions made by its academic staff, the School of Education presents two awards to academic staff members every year. Made possible by a generous gift from Ann Wallace, each recipient receives a ​monetary award.


  • Any academic staff employee of the School of Education who has made an exemplary contribution to the operation of the School, department, center, program, or other unit within the School is eligible
  • Nominees may be from any area, e.g., teaching, research, administration, advising, or public service
  • Nominees must have had at least a half-time appointment in the School for three years

Nomination Procedures

The nomination packet* should include the following items:

  • Letter of nomination
  • Résumé containing highlights of the nominee’s career
  • Letter(s) of support (at least one, but no more than three)
    • Letter should make clear to someone outside the nominee’s unit why the work is outstanding
    • Neither the Dean nor any member of the review committee may nominate or write letters of support
    • The most effective letters of support will come from those familiar with the nominee’s work and will contain a detailed analysis of why the person’s work advances the unit’s mission and merits recognition

*Nominations remain active for two years beyond the year of submission.


  • Originality of the contributions within and, where applicable, outside the unit
  • Impact on the mission of the unit
  • Outstanding performance in comparison with others in the unit, on campus, and/or in the profession (nominees who teach should be compared with others offering instruction in the unit)


Nominations are due Friday, March 13. Submit nominations in ​one of the following ways:

  • Online nomination form (upload digital files of supporting documents)
  • Email to Events Coordinator Jody Moen
  • Mail or deliver to: School of Education Office of Communications and Advancement, Attn: Jody Moen, 181 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, Madison, WI 53706

Review & Selection

All nominations will be reviewed by a committee comprised of previous award winners, members of senior staff, and other representatives within the School of Education. Recipients and their guests are invited to a school-wide awards ceremony on April 30, 2020.


Contact Jody Moen, or 608.265.7875